
av Martine

Nå nærmer det seg sommer og om sommeren foretrekker jeg lettleste, morsomme og romantiske bøker. Mine desidert største sommerfavoritter er bokseriene Fools’s Gold av Susan Mallery og The Sullivans av Bella Andre. Er du glad i feel-good bøker som kan leses på en dag er dette bøkene for deg!

Fool’s Gold

«Fool’s Gold is the Destination for Romance. This charming small town, set in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, is know for its friendliness, its festivals and its strong sense of community. Despite the man shortage, there seems to be plenty of romance to be found. All of it fun, much of it complicated!»

Noen av bøkene i Fool’s Gold serien:

cover-chasing-perfect.jpeg cover-almost-perfect cover-finding-perfect cover-only-mine.jpeg
cover-only-yours cover-only-his cover-summer-days cover-summer-nights

The Sullivans

«In Bella’s sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.»

Noen av bøkene i The Sullivans serien:

TheLookOfLove_Cover_NYTUSAT_July31_1500.jpeg  FromThisMomentOn_cover_NYTUSATadd_July31_1400-thumb CantHelpFallingInLove_NewCover_June172014_FINAL_217x318 IOHEFYcover_July17_1280-thumb
IfYouWereMine_cover_NYTUSATadd_July31_1500-thumb LetMeBeTheOne_August26_FINALCover_websitethumbnail1 ComeALittleBitCloser_Cover_Nov28_SmallScaleForWebSite.jpeg AlwaysOnMyMind_FinalCover_v2_217x318


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